Breeding Service terminated
For biosecurity reasons, mainly because of the increased risk to contaminate our herd and property with Johne's disease,
we have decided to discontinue the breeding service we had offered in the past.
Johne's disease (Paraturberculosis) is chronic
wasting disease of ruminants, caused by infection with Mycobacterium Paraturberculosis. Infections occur mostly in young
animals by fecal contamination of the pasture. Infected animals can shed billions of JD bacteria per day, however, due to the
prolonged incubation period, most clinical signs occur only in adult animals between 2 and 5 years of age.
are two major strains of Johne's disease: Bovine Johne's Disease (BJD), which affects cattle, and Ovine Johne's Disease (OJD),
which affects sheep. Goats can be infected with, and be carriers of, both strains, but normally only show clinical signs
when infected with BJD.
In contrast to BJD, where currently no confirmed cases exist in WA, OJD has become quite
widespread. South West Shires (e.g. Kojonup, Arthur River, Plantagenet and Williams) have the highest incidence of OJD.
avoid an infection of our herd with OJD, and also to avoid contributing to further spreading the disease, we decided
in August 2018 to discontinue our breeding service.
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Koonac Enterprises