Body weights of 1249 newborn kids from 635 births were used to analyse the relationship between birth weight and litter size. Average body weight of these 1249 newborns was 3.83 kg. The smallest kid included in the analysis was 1.15 kg, however, this kid did not survive. The smallest kid that survived was 1.55 kg at birth. The largest 6.74 kg.
For 578 births, the body weight of the dam was recorded 80 to 180 days prior to kidding. 474 of these dams were meat goats
and 104 dams were dairy goats. This "dry weight" data show that heavier does tend to have more kids than lighter dams. Average dry
weight of dams that had singles was 54.8 kg. For dams that had twins it was 58.5 kg, for dams that had triplets it was 70.3 kg, and
for dams with quadruplets it was 81.6 kg.